In late November we picked kumquats...

30lbs of be exact!

Then we attempted to make kumquat jelly...
After several tries, it never would set...
I have no pictures of that experience :(
But yesterday, Sara and I tried again...

Success! 65 jars of homemade kumquat jelly!


For every lb. of fruit, you need a lb. of sugar...
For every six cups of fruit juice, you need 2 boxes of pectin...

Rinse kumquats thoroughly
Soak kumquats in water and baking soda for 10 minutes
Drain & Rinse

Option #1 Juice the kumquats in a juicer

Option #2 Cut kumquats horizontally & pop out the insides,
then boil and mash out the juice through a cheesecloth

Bring 6 cups of the kumquat juice to a boil
Add 4 cups sugar
Add 2 boxes pectin
Bring to a boil again
Boil for 2 minutes
Pour into clean jars
Place in waterbath for 5 minutes
Turn upside down once
Let sit overnight


Emily said...

I love some of the faces you got!

Sounds like fun! I'll have to try some ;)