My first impression at Magnolia...
was in the bathroom of course...children:)
But aren't these faucets so cute!
Mommy, take a picture of the flowers...
Mommy, why do you need a picture of the flowers?
Smile :)
My little ladies...
See the aligators???
My mom....
Lacy...Look how sweet...what a pretty flower...
It's too bad that moments later...
This goat walked right up to her and ATE IT!
Yes...she cried :(
But then she found a new friend...
and all was well.
But THEN, we tried to befriend the deer...
Who thought she really smelled good...
Good enough to EAT as a matter of fact!
Yes...she this sweet little bambi...
literally helped himself to a mouthful of her hair!
The petting zoo was nothing short of an emotional roller coaster for Miss Lacy...
But she permenant damage, I'm sure :)
All in all, I think we had a pretty good day!
Aw! That is so nice! It looks like you had a good time!
Hahahaha...POOR Lacy! (I really shouldn't laugh :) Sounds traumatic...but it will make for entertaining, lovely stories when she's older! Cherish the moments!!! :D
I LOVE that picture of you, Mrs. Burnsed...very lovely! :)
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