Is it too late for America?
Morally, she has already fallen and economically, it is only a matter of time; just do the math!
Yes, a reformation and revival would be nice and I pray God would be merciful and grant such a blessing but I must also acknowledge the book of Revelation and be willing to pray..."Not my will but Thine be done."
No one needs to ask "Why America is failing?" because every one knows...
When men do not learn from their history, they are doomed to repeat it and after several thousand years of history, it is obvious that men DO NOT learn from history!
So! As a refresher...
What would a nation have to do or not do in order for God to remove His blessed hand of restraint?
I believe there are several but here are 5 major concerns Dr.Peter Ruckman, President, Founder, and Teacher of the Pensacola Bible Institute, points out.
#1 The undermining of the dignity and sanctity of the HOME...meaning: role-distortions such as: making women equal to men, thus removing the man as the "head" of the house, and removing the wife\mother from the home, and so on...
By inventing "families" composed of sodomites and lesbians and so on...
By unbiblical practices of divorce, spiritual training, schooling, etc...
#2 Unbiblical stewardship, Unjust weights, Higher and higher unjust taxes, etc...meaning: Welfare, Medicare, Social Security, Food Stamps, Socialized Medicine, Bail-outs, etc...
#3 The mad craze for PLEASURE...every one doing what is right in his own eyes, while becoming more and more brutal and immoral every year.
#4 The decay of INDIVIDUAL RESPONSIBILITY...just as an example, in America, we have went beyond freeing the black slaves (during the Civil War) to making them innocent of crimes they commit on the basis that their accusers were "racists". Then you give them "special rights" given to no other race - called "affirmative action". With that in place, you not only put blacks over whites, you put women over men, children over adults, and queers over straights on the grounds that they are all "oppressed minorities". (This is heartbreakingly sad because this line of thinking puts everyone in a "victim mentality" which is completely unbiblical and enslaving!) (Not to mention that it will soon be the reason for silencing preachers who speak out against this!!!!!)
#5 The decay of religion..."faith" fading into just "forms" America we have atheist, communist, humanist, and a whole host of others, including some liberal protestants, supporting the National Education Association that teaches our young people: life came accidentally from dead organic matter and therefore everyone is relieved from obeying their Creator. From this point on, all "guiding" is by hook or crook, revising history, or ignoring reality in order to make carbon copied "world citizens." And this is just one example!
All 5 of these America posesses plus more!
Congratulations America, the depression is here...a total economic collaspe leading to a "one-world-government" is very nearby... and God is steadily removing His hand of blessing!
"All it takes for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing" ~Edmund Burke
What will you do?
How Mom Disciples a Newborn
15 hours ago
A call to action!
We must pray for God's will in our land. Thank you for posting Mrs. Burnsed!
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