I recently blogged "No one needs to ask "Why?"...
That blog covered the fact that America is in the shape she is in because we have forgotten our HisStory, which is to say, we have forgotten to learn from what God has said and done.
Today, I want to blog about the BIGGEST reason why we have the problems we have in America.
Let's look at 3 questions that I believe are at the heart of the issue...
Q. Why have so many Americans surrendered their faith in God for faith in the State?
A. Sin.
"Thou shall have no other gods before Me". Exodus 20:2
Sin is trying to fulfill a God-given need without God. ~ John Piper
The State is suppose to be the provider of justice, NOT a dispenser of sustenance...
When the state enlarges its jurisdictional boundaries, without any regard to limits; it gradually assumes what God alone possesses; unlimited power and authority...
Therefore, the more we turn to the State for assistance, the more we make it our God.
~ Gary Demar
Q. How did this happen?
A. It began in the garden...and it's called total depravity.
Read R.L.Dabney on depravity at http://www.spurgeon.org/~phil/dabney/5points.htm#t
Salvation is accomplished by the almighty power of the triune God. The Father chose a people, the Son died for them, the Holy Spirit makes Christ's death effective by bringing the elect to faith and repentance, thereby causing them to willingly obey the Gospel. The entire process (election, redemption, regeneration) is the work of God and is by grace alone. Thus God, not man, determines who will be the recipients of the gift of salvation. http://www.reformed.org/
Q. How does this sinful nature manifest itself?
A. This sinful nature man possess has led to many false religions and ideologies that have plagued our nation for decades and brought us to where we are today. Here are just a few examples of these false religions and ideologies that flow from a totally depraved heart; the excerpts were taken from our Biblical Worldview Curriculum, to which I highly recommend: http://www.summit.org/
Religious Humanism: believes man has the power to change people...where Christians believe, God and God alone has the power to change people.
Utilitarianism: believes that the greatest happiness of the greatest number should be the aim of all actions.
Moral Relativism: believes that right and wrong are determined by the individual or culture.
Post Modernism: believes there are no moral absolutes.
Pluralism: all beliefs are true.
Globalism: the belief in the need for one-world-government.
Egalitarianism: all people should get the same and be treated the same regardless.
Deist: God created the world but is not in control of it.
Polytheist: ok to worship many gods.
Atheist: believe there is no God.
Agnostic: believe it is impossible to know if there is a God.
Existentialist: life has no meaning outside of what you make it.
Evolutionist: believe one species develops from another and God (if He exist) did not "create" anything.
Theistic Evoluntionist: believe that God works through evolution.
Pantheist: God is everything and everything is God.
Transcendentalist: God exist only in the mind.
Universalist: all souls go to heaven.
Jihadist: Moslems who war against unbelievers of Allah.
Naturalist: believe there is no supernatural or spiritual creation.
Annihilationist: believe when we die we will simply cease to exist.
Historical Revisionist: those who revise historical events in order to support their worldview.
Economic Interventionist: those (secular humanist, post modernist, etc...) who recommend economic intervention in order to control man's economic affairs.
And the list goes on and on...
I would encourage you to make sure your view of what is going on in America is a biblical view.
How Mom Disciples a Newborn
15 hours ago
Great post...and supporting quotes/resources with the (evergrowing) list of worldviews that penetrates every facet of media!
"For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions, and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into myths." 2 Timothy 4:3-4
My how far we have come...how far will we go?
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