The Art of Divine Contentment: An Exposition of Philippians 4:11
"I have learned, in whatsoever state I am in, therewith to be content." Philippians 4:11
A quote from the FOREWORD by C.H.Spurgeon: "Although Thomas Watson issued several most valuable books, comparatively little is known of him - even the dates of his birth and death are unknown. His writings are his best memorial; perhaps he needed no other, and therefore providence forbade the superfluity."
"Highlights" from Chapter 1 An Introduction to the Text...
"Care when it is eccentric, either distrustful or distracting, is very dishonourable to God"
(The meaning behind some of these words seem to change over time, so using my Webster's 1828 dictionary, I translated the above quote to...)
Discontentment, which is deviation from divine law, comes either from not trusting in God or because of distractions away from heavenly things; both dishonor God.
"Highlights" from Chapter 2 The First Branch of the Text...
"I have learned"
"not "I have heard" thus..."
"It is not enough for Christians to hear their duty but they must learn their duty."
"Christians hear much, but it is feared, learn little."
"How can you say you have 'learned' what sin is, if you have not learned to leave sin! You have not learned - you have heard. Will you have learned what a viper is, yet still play with it?"
"A man may know much of Christ - so did the devils."
"A man may preach Christ - so did Judas."
"A man may profess Christ - there are many professors that Christ will not profess (Matt.7:22-23)
"To learn Christ is to believe in Him."
"To learn Christ is to love Christ."
"To learn Christ is to be made like Christ."
How Mom Disciples a Newborn
15 hours ago
Excellent quotes...that I may 'learn' Christ each day...for as you quoted, it is not enough just to 'know', 'preach' and 'profess' Him, but to 'learn' Him...believing, loving, dying to self to become more Christ-like...that is to 'learn' Him.
~In pursuit of righteousness~
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