The Art of Divine Contentment: An Exposition of Philippians 4:11
"I have learned, in whatsoever state I am in, therewith to be content." Philippians 4:11
"Highlights" from Chapter 6 The Nature of Contentment...
"Contentment - a sweet temper of spirit, whereby a Christian carries himself in an equal poise in every condition."
Webster's 1828 definition, contentment - satisfaction of mind; appeasment; gratification; quietness of spirit. Content, literally means held, contained within limits, hence quiet; having a mind at peace.
"1. Contentment is a divine thing - we can not acquire it ourselves, it must be infused to us by God."
"2. Contentment is an intrinsical thing - contentment lies within the soul, and doth not depend upon external comforts. Contentment arises from apprehension of God's love."
"3. Contentment is a habitual thing - it is a settled temper of the heart."
"Highlights" from Chapter 7 Reasons Pressing to Holy Contentment...
"1. It is God's precept. Hebrews 13:5 "Be content with such things as you have."
"Though our hearts become as a raging sea, they should be stilled by His word."
"2. It is God's promise to "never leave us, nor forsake us." We should be content to be at God's disposal."
"Highlight" from Chapter 8...
"The way to be comfortable, is not by having our barns filled, but our minds quiet."
How Mom Disciples a Newborn
15 hours ago
Always watered
when I stop in
Hmmm....a quiet mind.
ah, yes.
Thank you, Iola.
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