One of the greatest sermons ever preached was by Jonathan Edwards in 1741: Sinners In The Hands Of An Angry God. Click on the title to read the whole sermon or click on the picture below to purchase the audio version. I highly recommend the audio version!!! Max McLean has the most soothing voice and trust me you will need all the soothing you can get when listening to this sermon!!! It is BY FAR like nothing I've ever heard! For a lost man to sit under this sermon and walk away unaffected is a mind-boggling thought. It shook me to the core and I've already experienced God's saving grace! WARNING: THIS SERMON IS NOT FOR THE FAINT-HEARTED!
I also recommend Max McLean's: The Listener's Bible and The Valley of Vision. Then go to Radio Shack and purchase a pillow speaker. Place this tiny little speaker under your pillow at night and fall asleep listening to the Word of God or Puritan prayers from The Valley of Vision. It has been a huge blessing to me over the years and I hope it now blesses you!
In the meantime...if you'd like, here is an excerpt of the sermon to wet your appetitie...

Your wickedness makes you as it were heavy as lead, and to tend downwards with great weight and pressure towards hell; and if God should let you go, you would immediately sink and swiftly descend and plunge into the bottomless gulf, and your healthy constitution, and your own care and prudence, and best contrivance, and all your righteousness, would have no more influence to uphold you and keep you out of hell, than a spider's web would have to stop a fallen rock. Were it not for the sovereign pleasure of God, the earth would not bear you one moment; for you are a burden to it; the creation groans with you; the creature is made subject to the bondage of your corruption, not willingly; the sun does not willingly shine upon you to give you light to serve sin and Satan; the earth does not willingly yield her increase to satisfy your lusts; nor is it willingly a stage for your wickedness to be acted upon; the air does not willingly serve you for breath to maintain the flame of life in your vitals, while you spend your life in the service of God's enemies. God's creatures are good, and were made for men to serve God with, and do not willingly subserve to any other purpose, and groan when they are abused to purposes so directly contrary to their nature and end. And the world would spew you out, were it not for the sovereign hand of him who hath subjected it in hope. There are black clouds of God's wrath now hanging directly over your heads, full of the dreadful storm, and big with thunder; and were it not for the restraining hand of God, it would immediately burst forth upon you. The sovereign pleasure of God, for the present, stays his rough wind; otherwise it would come with fury, and your destruction would come like a whirlwind, and you would be like the chaff of the summer threshing floor.


Brittany said...

Wow that little bit of the sermon that you posted will really get your attention!
Thank you for the comment on my blog. I'm glad the thankfulness is contagious. :-) I hope you and your family have a wonderful and happy Thanksgiving as well!!


Laura {{* *}} said...

This was my introduction to
Jonathan Edwards...circa 1980s

It will set your mind aright,
with heart to follow.
More applicable today than yesterday.

I need a refresher~
perfect timing.
Thank you Iola.

{{* *}}